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The team at spinalcordstimulation.london

You would undergo a thorough assessment to ascertain if you are suitable and would benefit from the therapy. Once approved you would undergo patient education sessions with our psychology team to ensure that you are best prepared for the therapy. Following the procedure you would have regular follow-ups to ensure that the therapy is working to the best of its function to deliver to your needs.

Vivek Mehta

Professor Vivek Mehta


Consultant in Spinal Pain & Neuromodulation St Bartholomew‘s Hospital London EC1A 7BE

Professor Mehta is currently the Clinical Network Director of Pain Services Barts Health NHS Trsut, a combination of several hospitals and community care services in London, one of the largest institution in UK. He also heads the the Academic Pain Medicine division of the Trust and is honorary senior lecturer at William Harvey Institute and Queen Mary University, London and Visting Professor, PGI, Chandigarh, India

Professor Mehta has been appointed as an examiner for Fellowship of Pain Medicine (FFPMRCA) by the Royal Court of Examiners of Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPM) and Royal College of Anaesthesia (RCOA)

He has been elected as a council member of NSUKI (Neuromodulation Society of UK and Ireland) in 2016. He has been involved in supporting and drafting commissioning policies for neuromodulation by NHS England, particularly for headache services. He is an eminent speaker and has several invited lectures including IASP Yokohama 2016 and further topical workshops in 2014, 2015 and 2016 at British Pain Society annual scientific meetings, 2015, 2016, 2017 NSUKI annual meetings.

He has lectured over 100 clinical and academic meetings and has published extensively in the field of pain. His work on functional and restorative neurostimulation has been recognised by the international neuromodulation society and received one of the top 5 researches in World Congress for year 2017. He was an invited speaker at North American Neuromodulation Society 2017 and 2018.

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Jonathan Pollock

Mr Jonathan Pollock


Consultant Neurosurgeon

Mr Pollock qualified in medicine from Oxford University in 1990. His neurosurgical career included training in Oxford, Nottingham and London. He has worked at Essex Neurosciences Centre and Holly Hospital since 2002.

He has extensive experience of spinal conditions focussed on degenerative disorders in adults, especially the surgical and non-surgical management of neurological symptoms associated with spinal disorders such as brachalgia (arm pain) and sciatica (lower limb pain) resulting from degenerative disease. When surgery is required Mr Pollock places the emphasis on preserving motion in the spine and reducing the patient’s time in hospital to the minimum.

Angie Alamgir

Dr Angie Alamgir

Consultant Psychologist

Dr Angie Alamgir is an experienced psychologist with over 16 years chronic pain experience. She is currently employed by Barts Health NHS and is the clinical lead for the Persistent Pain Service. She also has been a part of the Barts Neuromodulation Centre since its inception in 2012. She is part of academic group, having presented her research in the clinical evaluation of patients who have undergone SCS treatment, at various international conferences. She performs detailed pre-implant evaluation and helps prepare the patient to achieve optimum clinical outcomes.

Clare Howes

Ms Clare Howes

Practice Manager

Ms Clare Howes will deal with all your enquiries and arrange for consultations and programming sessions after the procedure to ensure that you receive the best possible response to therapy. Please contact her at 02089361240 or [email protected]


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